Here are some hand and foot studies I drew. I was mainly focusing on construction and foreshortening.

This second page is all studies from Burne Hogarth's Dynamic Figure Drawing.
These are studies from George Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy and The Book of a Hundred Hands.
More Hogarth studies, studies from my own hands, and these:,1254528598,1/stock-photo-clawed-d-monster-hand-model-over-white-38126230.jpg,1254528630,1/stock-photo-clawed-d-monster-hand-model-over-white-38126233.jpg
AntwortenLöschenLike I've said, these are fantastic.
I showed these to a friend yesterday. He said:
-"those could've been only drawn by a man."
I asked how he got the idea.
-"Because you need BALLS to draw these"
Ok, so I asked further what exactly makes them look male, he answered that these hands are made from stone, massive, strong and melodramatic. Each hand is a picture in itself and shows an epic struggle.
The ones I drew are made from rubber, these hands are made for GODS. He also suggested to frame these sketchbookdrawings and hang them on a wall C:.