Sonntag, 14. August 2011

Feet and Hand Paws- SongDog

 Well, this was really difficult, and I only managed to pull out 26 this time around (it's been an extremely hectic week). There are some that I'm proud of and some I'm embarrassed to let people see, but I know this is a learning opportunity for me and therefore we are going to make some mistakes. I'm happy that I've been trying, as poses are getting easier for me, though I still have to work on it. I used a few references, but all are posted on this blog site (save for random lion paws and other things).

 The one with the smiley face I don't like, and the thing at the bottom is supposed to be a bear claw that looks totally out of place. I tried and failed, tried and succeeded. :3

I'm proud of most of the top ones, the two on the right, the feet paw below that, and the paw right down in the right corner. 

I'm actually proud of all of these except the long skinny one at the bottom, and can see improvement just by looking at anatomy of hands and paws. :3 

So next week:  

I'm going to draw at least thirty horses, maximum fifty. I really need help with lifelike/realistic horses, because if you don't draw them right they look all weird and distorted- which is how mine usually work.
Next week I'll post helpful horse and movement references.  

I'll be focusing on anatomy, realism, expression and movement. 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Gato:

    Yes! I think you've succeeded even if you didn't get the full number C:.
    You could still stay with the paws and hands because there's still stuff you could learn out of some life drawing:
    Atm you make all fingers/toes besides the little finger the same lenght with even spaces between the toenails of the dogs.
    But if you look closley, dog paws have a more triangluar shape to them:
    Also look at the spacing of the nails, the two in the middle are very close to each other while the other one's are further away.

    Human hands or primate hands also have a sort of wedge-shape in the fingers:
    Middle finger is the longest, index and ringfinger are a bit smaller.

    So because most animals have a sort of triangle/wedge shape in their fingers, I guess anthros would have similair hands, with a longer middlefinger, smaller other fingers, different sized toes or fingers and so on.

    Ok, but if you want to go further with horses, do it.
    Ellenberger has a lot of plates with the hoof from different sites, also a lot of different animal anatomy and a ton of different paws and the anatomy of them if you want to take a step back and take a closer look at them again:
    And it's copyright free :P

    Cya next week then C:
